Project status:


Lead organisation:

Brandenburg University of Technology

Grant award:


Project summary:

The 19th century Khedive Abbas Helmy II Bazaar in Port Said, Egypt, is a site with great social and historic significance, having accommodated the urgent needs of inhabitants during the turbulent history of the Suez Canal.

The bazaar, a unique hybrid of local architectural style and European modernism, has suffered extensive damage in past conflict and needs repair.

The grant has been awarded to preserve the original features of the bazaar, in particular its timber verandas.

Research, education and training initiatives involving the local community will capture the collective memory of the bazaar’s sociocultural importance. This protection of tangible and intangible heritage will provide a model for future urban heritage interventions in the historic core of Port Said.

Man standing and talking to a group of people
Site visit at Port Said. Photo credit: Sepideh Zarrin Ghalam