Project status


Lead organisation

ICCROM-ATHAR (Architectural and Archaeological Tangible Heritage in the Arab Region)


National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums (NCAM); The Centre for Heritage Studies, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge; and Mallinson Architects and Engineers

Grant award


Project summary

The Khalifa House in Khartoum, the Sheikan Museum in El Obeid and the Darfur Museum in Nyala lay on a traditional trade route out of Western Sudan, to the capital Khartoum. Each museum hosts collections speaking to the community and history of the local area with artefacts recorded, condition assessed and redisplayed.

Conflict has affected Sudan’s tangible and intangible heritage through destruction and displacement, impacting on the living heritage of local communities. Sudan’s economic crisis has compounded the impact of the lack of resources for museums.

This project restored three community museums in Sudan, providing for the educational and cultural needs of their communities, visitors and tourists.